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NuGet packages in the package registry

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Publish NuGet packages in your project's package registry. Then, install the packages whenever you need to use them as a dependency.

The package registry works with:

For documentation of the specific API endpoints that these clients use, see the NuGet API documentation.

Learn how to install NuGet.

Use the GitLab endpoint for NuGet Packages

To use the GitLab endpoint for NuGet Packages, choose an option:

  • Project-level: Use when you have few NuGet packages and they are not in the same GitLab group.
  • Group-level: Use when you have many NuGet packages in different projects within the same GitLab group.

Some features such as publishing a package are only available on the project-level endpoint.

When asking for versions of a given NuGet package name, the GitLab package registry returns a maximum of 300 most recent versions.

Do not use authentication methods other than the methods documented here. Undocumented authentication methods might be removed in the future.

Because of how NuGet handles credentials, the package registry rejects anonymous requests on the group-level endpoint. To work around this limitation, set up authentication.

Add the package registry as a source for NuGet packages

To publish and install packages to the package registry, you must add the package registry as a source for your packages.


  • Your GitLab username.
  • A personal access token or deploy token. For repository authentication:
    • You can generate a personal access token.
      • To install packages from the repository, the scope of the token must include read_api or api.
      • To publish packages to the repository, the scope of the token must include api.
    • You can generate a deploy token.
      • To install packages from the repository, the scope of the token must include read_package_registry.
      • To publish packages to the repository, the scope of the token must include write_package_registry.
  • A name for your source.
  • Depending on the endpoint level you use, either:
    • Your project ID, which is found on your project overview page.
    • Your group ID, which is found on your group's home page.

You can now add a new source to NuGet with:

Add a source with the NuGet CLI

Project-level endpoint

A project-level endpoint is required to publish NuGet packages to the package registry. A project-level endpoint is also required to install NuGet packages from a project.

To use the project-level NuGet endpoint, add the package registry as a source with nuget:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>
  • <source_name> is the desired source name.

For example:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

Group-level endpoint

To install a NuGet package from a group, use a group-level endpoint.

To use the group-level NuGet endpoint, add the package registry as a source with nuget:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>
  • <source_name> is the desired source name.

For example:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

Add a source with Visual Studio

Project-level endpoint

A project-level endpoint is required to publish NuGet packages to the package registry. A project-level endpoint is also required to install NuGet packages from a project.

To use the project-level NuGet endpoint, add the package registry as a source with Visual Studio:

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. In Windows, select Tools > Options. On macOS, select Visual Studio > Preferences.

  3. In the NuGet section, select Sources to view a list of all your NuGet sources.

  4. Select Add.

  5. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: Name for the source.
    • Source:<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json, where <your_project_id> is your project ID, and is your domain name.
  6. Select Save.

  7. When you access the package, you must enter your Username and Password:

    • Username: Your GitLab username or deploy token username.
    • Password: Your personal access token or deploy token.

The source is displayed in your list.

If you get a warning, ensure that the Source, Username, and Password are correct.

Group-level endpoint

To install a package from a group, use a group-level endpoint.

To use the group-level NuGet endpoint, add the package registry as a source with Visual Studio:

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. In Windows, select Tools > Options. On macOS, select Visual Studio > Preferences.

  3. In the NuGet section, select Sources to view a list of all your NuGet sources.

  4. Select Add.

  5. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: Name for the source.
    • Source:<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json, where <your_group_id> is your group ID, and is your domain name.
  6. Select Save.

  7. When you access the package, you must enter your Username and Password.

    • Username: Your GitLab username or deploy token username.
    • Password: Your personal access token or deploy token.

The source is displayed in your list.

If you get a warning, ensure that the Source, Username, and Password are correct.

Add a source with the .NET CLI

Project-level endpoint

A project-level endpoint is required to publish NuGet packages to the package registry. A project-level endpoint is also required to install NuGet packages from a project.

To use the project-level NuGet endpoint, add the package registry as a source with nuget:

dotnet nuget add source "<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json" --name <source_name> --username <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> --password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>
  • <source_name> is the desired source name.
  • --store-password-in-clear-text might be necessary depending on your operating system.

For example:

dotnet nuget add source "" --name gitlab --username carol --password 12345678asdf

Group-level endpoint

To install a NuGet package from a group, use a group-level endpoint.

To use the group-level NuGet endpoint, add the package registry as a source with nuget:

dotnet nuget add source "<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" --name <source_name> --username <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> --password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>
  • <source_name> is the desired source name.
  • --store-password-in-clear-text might be necessary depending on your operating system.

For example:

dotnet nuget add source "" --name gitlab --username carol --password 12345678asdf

Add a source with a configuration file

Project-level endpoint

A project-level endpoint is required to:

  • Publish NuGet packages to the package registry.
  • Install NuGet packages from a project.

To use the project-level package registry as a source for .NET:

  1. In the root of your project, create a file named nuget.config.

  2. Add this content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <clear />
         <add key="gitlab" value="<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json" />
             <add key="Username" value="%GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_USERNAME%" />
             <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="%GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD%" />
  3. Configure the necessary environment variables:

    export GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_USERNAME=<gitlab_username or deploy_token_username>
    export GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

Group-level endpoint

To install a package from a group, use a group-level endpoint.

To use the group-level package registry as a source for .NET:

  1. In the root of your project, create a file named nuget.config.

  2. Add this content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <clear />
         <add key="gitlab" value="<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" />
             <add key="Username" value="%GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_USERNAME%" />
             <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="%GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD%" />
  3. Configure the necessary environment variables:

    export GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_USERNAME=<gitlab_username or deploy_token_username>
    export GITLAB_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

Add a source with Chocolatey CLI

You can add a source feed with the Chocolatey CLI. If you use Chocolatey CLI v1.x, you can add only a NuGet v2 source feed.

Configure a project-level endpoint

You need a project-level endpoint to publish NuGet packages to the package registry.

To use the project-level package registry as a source for Chocolatey:

  • Add the package registry as a source with choco:

    choco source add -n=gitlab -s "'<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/v2'" -u=<gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -p=<gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

Publish a NuGet package


When publishing packages:

  • The package registry on can store up to 5 GB of content. This limit is configurable for GitLab Self-Managed.
  • If you publish the same package with the same version multiple times, each consecutive upload is saved as a separate file. When installing a package, GitLab serves the most recent file.
  • When publishing packages to GitLab, they aren't displayed in the packages user interface of your project immediately. It can take up to 10 minutes to process a package.

Publish a package with the NuGet CLI


Publish a package by running this command:

nuget push <package_file> -Source <source_name>

Publish a package with the .NET CLI

Version history

  • Publishing a package with --api-key introduced in GitLab 16.1.


Publish a package by running this command:

dotnet nuget push <package_file> --source <source_name>

For example:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

You can publish a package using the `--api-key` option instead of `username` and `password`:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

- `<package_file>` is your package filename, ending in `.nupkg`.
- `<source_url>` is the URL of the NuGet package registry.

For example:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

### Publish a NuGet package by using CI/CD

If you're using NuGet with GitLab CI/CD, a CI job token can be used instead of a
personal access token or deploy token. The token inherits the permissions of the
user that generates the pipeline.

This example shows how to create a new package each time the `main` branch is

1. Add a `deploy` job to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file:


     - deploy

     stage: deploy
       - dotnet pack -c Release
       - dotnet nuget add source "${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/nuget/index.json" --name gitlab --username gitlab-ci-token --password $CI_JOB_TOKEN --store-password-in-clear-text
       - dotnet nuget push "bin/Release/*.nupkg" --source gitlab
     environment: production
  1. Commit the changes and push it to your GitLab repository to trigger a new CI/CD build.

Publish a NuGet package with Chocolatey CLI

Version history


  • The project-level package registry is a source for Chocolatey.

To publish a package with the Chocolatey CLI:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

In this command:

- `<package_file>` is your package filename and ends with `.nupkg`.
- `<source_url>` is the URL of the NuGet v2 feed package registry.

For example:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

### Publishing a package with the same name or version

When you publish a package with the same name or version as an existing package,
the existing package is overwritten.

### Do not allow duplicate NuGet packages

#### Version history

- [Introduced]( in GitLab 16.3 [with a flag](../../../administration/ named `nuget_duplicates_option`. Disabled by default.
- [Generally available]( in GitLab 16.6. Feature flag `nuget_duplicates_option` removed.
- Required role [changed]( from Maintainer to Owner in GitLab 17.0.

To prevent users from publishing duplicate NuGet packages, you can use the [GraphQl API](../../../api/graphql/reference/ or the UI.

In the UI:

1. On the left sidebar, select **Search or go to** and find your group.
1. Select **Settings > Packages and registries**.
1. In the **NuGet** row of the **Duplicate packages** table, turn off the **Allow duplicates** toggle.
1. Optional. In the **Exceptions** text box, enter a regular expression that matches the names and versions of packages to allow.

If **Allow duplicates** is turned on, you can specify package names and versions that should not have duplicates in the **Exceptions** text box.

Your changes are automatically saved.

If the .nuspec file isn't located in the root of the package or the beginning of the archive, the package might
not be recognized as a duplicate right away. However, it will be rejected later, and an error will be shown in the UI.

## Install packages

If multiple packages have the same name and version, when you install
a package, the most recently-published package is retrieved.

To install a NuGet package from the package registry, you must first
[add a project-level or group-level endpoint](#add-the-package-registry-as-a-source-for-nuget-packages).

### Install a package with the NuGet CLI

By default, `nuget` checks the official source at `` first. If you have
a NuGet package in the package registry with the same name as a package at
``, you must specify the source name to install the correct package.

Install the latest version of a package by running this command:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

- `<package_id>` is the package ID.
- `<output_directory>` is the output directory, where the package is installed.
- `<package_version>` The package version. Optional.
- `<source_name>` The source name. Optional.

### Install a package with the .NET CLI

If you have a package in the package registry with the same name as a package at
a different source, verify the order in which `dotnet` checks sources during
install. This is defined in the `nuget.config` file.

Install the latest version of a package by running this command:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

- `<package_id>` is the package ID.
- `<package_version>` is the package version. Optional.

### Install a package using NuGet v2 feed

#### Version history

- [Introduced]( in GitLab 16.5.


- The project-level package registry is a [v2 feed source](#add-a-source-with-chocolatey-cli) for Chocolatey.
- A version must be provided when installing or upgrading a package using NuGet v2 feed.

To install a package with the Chocolatey CLI:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

In this command:

- `<package_id>` is the package ID.
- `<source_url>` is the URL or name of the NuGet v2 feed package registry.
- `<package_version>` is the package version.

For example:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

To upgrade a package with the Chocolatey CLI:

nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf

In this command:

- `<package_id>` is the package ID.
- `<source_url>` is the URL or name of the NuGet v2 feed package registry.
- `<package_version>` is the package version.

For example:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

## Delete a package

### Version history

- [Introduced]( in GitLab 16.5.

Deleting a package is a permanent action that cannot be undone.


- You must have the [Maintainer](../../ role or higher in the project.
- You must have both the package name and version.

To delete a package with the NuGet CLI:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

In this command:

- `<package_id>` is the package ID.
- `<package_version>` is the package version.
- `<source_name>` is the source name.

For example:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

## Symbol packages

If you push a `.nupkg`, symbol package files in the `.snupkg` format are uploaded automatically. You
can also push them manually:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

### Use the package registry as a symbol server

#### Version history

- [Introduced]( in GitLab 16.7.

GitLab can consume symbol files from the NuGet package registry,
so you can use the package registry as a symbol server.

To use the symbol server:

1. Enable the `nuget_symbol_server_enabled` namespace setting with the [GraphQl API](../../../api/graphql/reference/
1. Configure your debugger to use the symbol server.
   For example, to configure Visual Studio:

   1. Open **Tools > Preferences**.
   1. Select **Debugger > Symbol sources**.
   1. Select **Add**.
   1. Fill in the required fields. The URL for the symbol server is:

      -- or --<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/symbolfiles

   1. Select **Add Source**.

After you configure the debugger, you can debug your application as usual.
The debugger automatically downloads the symbol PDB files from the package registry as long as they're available.

#### Consuming symbol packages

When the debugger is configured to consume symbol packages, the debugger sends the following
in a request:

- `Symbolchecksum` header: The SHA-256 checksum of the symbol file.
- `file_name` request parameter: The name of the symbol file. For example, `mypackage.pdb`.
- `signature` request parameter: The GUID and age of the PDB file.

The GitLab server matches this information to a symbol file and returns it.

Note that:

- Only portable PDB files are supported.
- Because debuggers can't provide authentication tokens, the symbol server endpoint doesn't support the usual authentication methods.
  The GitLab server requires the `signature` and `Symbolchecksum` to return the correct symbol file.

## Supported CLI commands

### Version history

- `nuget delete` and `dotnet nuget delete` commands [introduced]( in GitLab 16.5.

The GitLab NuGet repository supports the following commands for the NuGet CLI (`nuget`) and the .NET
CLI (`dotnet`):

- `nuget push`: Upload a package to the registry.
- `dotnet nuget push`: Upload a package to the registry.
- `nuget install`: Install a package from the registry.
- `dotnet add`: Install a package from the registry.
- `nuget delete`: Delete a package from the registry.
- `dotnet nuget delete`: Delete a package from the registry.

## Example project

For an example, see the Guided Exploration project
[Utterly Automated Software and Artifact Versioning with GitVersion](
This project:

- Generates NuGet packages by the `msbuild` method.
- Generates NuGet packages by the `nuget.exe` method.
- Uses GitLab releases and `release-cli` in connection with NuGet packaging.
- Uses a tool called [GitVersion](
  to automatically determine and increment versions for the NuGet package in complex repositories.

You can copy this example project to your own group or instance for testing. See the project page
for more details on what other GitLab CI patterns are demonstrated.

## Troubleshooting

### Clear NuGet cache

To improve performance, NuGet caches files related to a package. If you encounter issues, clear the
cache with this command:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "<your_group_id>/-/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>

### Errors when trying to publish NuGet packages in a Docker-based GitLab installation

Webhook requests to local network addresses are blocked to prevent exploitation of
internal web services. If you get `Error publishing` or
`Invalid Package: Failed metadata extraction error` messages
when you try to publish NuGet packages, change your network settings to
[allow webhook and integration requests to the local network](../../../security/