import edg.graphlib.Arrow;
import edg.graphlib.Vertex;
* A graphlib Graph without cost and data in arcs
public abstract class Graph<NodeType extends GraphNode<?>> extends edg.graphlib.Graph<String, ArcData> {
private int nextVertexId = 0;
// public final static class NodeId {
// private static int nextVertexId = 0;
// private int id;
// private NodeId(int id) {
// = id;
// }
// static synchronized NodeId getVertexId() {
// return new NodeId(nextVertexId++);
// }
// public int getId() {
// return id;
// }
// @Override
// public String toString() {
// return String.valueOf(id);
// }
// }
Library fix: if a node had an edge to itself resulted in 2 outgoing nodes instead of 1 outgoing and 1 incoming
public boolean addEdge(Arrow<String, ArcData> arrow) {
Vertex<String, ArcData> from = arrow.getFrom();
Vertex<String, ArcData> to = arrow.getTo();
int cost = arrow.getCost();
ArcData data = arrow.getData();
if (!verticies.contains(from))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("from (%s) is not in graph", from));
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("to (%s) is not in graph", to));
List<Arrow<String, ArcData>> es2 = from.findEdges(to);
for (Arrow<String, ArcData> e2 : es2) {
if (e2 != null && cost == e2.getCost() &&
((data == null && e2.getData() == null) ||
(data != null && data.equals(e2.getData()))))
return false;
// FIX
if (Objects.equals(from, to)) {
} else {
return true;
public abstract <ASTNode extends Node> NodeType addNode(String instruction, ASTNode node);
public <ASTNode extends Node> Optional<NodeType> findNodeByASTNode(ASTNode astNode) {
.filter(node -> Objects.equals(node.getAstNode(), astNode))
public Optional<NodeType> findNodeById(int id) {
return findNodeById(String.valueOf(id));
public Optional<NodeType> findNodeById(String id) {
return getNodes().stream()
.filter(node -> Objects.equals(node.getName(), id))
public Set<NodeType> getNodes() {
.map(vertex -> (NodeType) vertex)
public Set<Arc<ArcData>> getArcs() {
return getArrows().stream()
.map(arrow -> (Arc<ArcData>) arrow)
public String toString() {
return getNodes().stream()
protected synchronized int getNextVertexId() {
return nextVertexId++;
public abstract Graph<NodeType> slice(SlicingCriterion slicingCriterion);
* Deprecated for incorrect behaviour. Use removeNode instead
public boolean removeVertex(Vertex<String, ArcData> vertex) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Deprecated method. Use removeNode instead");