package tfm.visitors; import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.VariableDeclarator; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Expression; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.MethodCallExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.VariableDeclarationExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ExpressionStmt; import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.Statement; import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type; import com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.VoidVisitorAdapter; import edg.graphlib.Graph; import edg.graphlib.Vertex; import edg.graphlib.Visitor; import; import tfm.graphs.PDGGraph; import tfm.graphs.SDGGraph; import tfm.nodes.PDGNode; import tfm.nodes.SDGNode; import java.util.*; import; /** * 31/8/19 * Asumimos que procesamos 1 clase con uno o mas metodos estaticos donde el primer metodo es el main * */ public class SDGVisitor extends VoidVisitorAdapter { SDGGraph sdgGraph; List pdgGraphs; private SDGNode currentClassNode; public SDGVisitor(SDGGraph sdgGraph) { this.sdgGraph = sdgGraph; this.pdgGraphs = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public void visit(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration classOrInterfaceDeclaration, Void ignored) { if (sdgGraph.getRootNode() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("¡Solo podemos procesar una clase por el momento!"); } if (classOrInterfaceDeclaration.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("¡Las interfaces no estan permitidas!"); } currentClassNode = sdgGraph.addNode( "class " + classOrInterfaceDeclaration.getNameAsString(), classOrInterfaceDeclaration ); sdgGraph.setRootVertex(currentClassNode); classOrInterfaceDeclaration.accept(this, ignored); } @Override public void visit(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, Void ignored) { if (!methodDeclaration.getBody().isPresent()) return; PDGGraph pdgGraph = new PDGGraph(); PDGCFGVisitor pdgcfgVisitor = new PDGCFGVisitor(pdgGraph) { @Override public void visit(MethodCallExpr methodCallExpr, PDGNode parent) { if (methodCallExpr.getScope().isPresent()) { String scopeName = methodCallExpr.getScope().get().toString(); String currentClassName = currentClassNode.getAstNode().getNameAsString(); // Check if it's a static method call of current class if (!Objects.equals(scopeName, currentClassName)) { // Check if 'scopeName' is a variable List> declarations = sdgGraph.findDeclarationsOfVariable(scopeName); if (declarations.isEmpty()) { // It is a static method call of another class. We don't do anything return; } else { /* It's a variable since it has declarations. We now have to check if the class name is the same as the current class (the object is an instance of our class) */ SDGNode declarationNode = declarations.get(declarations.size() - 1); ExpressionStmt declarationExpr = (ExpressionStmt) declarationNode.getAstNode(); VariableDeclarationExpr variableDeclarationExpr = declarationExpr.getExpression().asVariableDeclarationExpr(); Optional optionalVariableDeclarator = variableDeclarationExpr.getVariables().stream() .filter(variableDeclarator -> Objects.equals(variableDeclarator.getNameAsString(), scopeName)) .findFirst(); if (!optionalVariableDeclarator.isPresent()) { // should not happen return; } Type variableType = optionalVariableDeclarator.get().getType(); if (!variableType.isClassOrInterfaceType()) { // Not class type return; } if (!Objects.equals(variableType.asClassOrInterfaceType().getNameAsString(), currentClassName)) { // object is not instance of our class return; } // if we got here, the object is instance of our class, so we make the call } } // It's a static method call to a method of the current class } } }; pdgcfgVisitor.visit(methodDeclaration, pdgGraph.getRootNode()); sdgGraph.addNode(methodDeclaration.getNameAsString(), methodDeclaration); pdgGraph.breadthFirstSearch(pdgGraph.getRootNode(), (Visitor) (g, v) -> { PDGNode pdgNode = (PDGNode) v; }); pdgGraph.getNodes().stream().skip(1).forEach(pdgNode -> { Statement statement = (Statement) pdgNode.getAstNode(); if (statement.isExpressionStmt()) { Expression expression = statement.asExpressionStmt().getExpression(); expression.findFirst(MethodCallExpr.class).ifPresent(methodCallExpr -> { }); } else { } }); sdgGraph.addPDG(pdgGraph, methodDeclaration); methodDeclaration.accept(this, ignored); pdgGraphs.add(pdgGraph); } // @Override // public void visit(CompilationUnit compilationUnit, Void ignored) { // super.visit(compilationUnit, ignored); // // // } }