package tfm.cli; import com.github.javaparser.JavaParser; import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit; import com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList; import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.BlockComment; import com.github.javaparser.ast.nodeTypes.NodeWithName; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.JavaSymbolSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.typesolvers.CombinedTypeSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.typesolvers.JavaParserTypeSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.typesolvers.ReflectionTypeSolver; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import tfm.graphs.exceptionsensitive.ESSDG; import tfm.graphs.sdg.SDG; import tfm.slicing.FileLineSlicingCriterion; import tfm.slicing.Slice; import tfm.slicing.SlicingCriterion; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Slicer { protected static final Pattern SC_PATTERN; protected static final File DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR = new File("./slice/"); protected static final Options OPTIONS = new Options(); static { String fileRe = "(?[^#]+\\.java)"; String lineRe = "(?[1-9]\\d*)"; String varsRe = "(?[a-zA-Z_]\\w*(?:,[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*)"; String numsRe = "(?[1-9]\\d*(?:,[1-9]\\d*)*)"; SC_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(fileRe + "#" + lineRe + "(?::" + varsRe + "(?:!" + numsRe + ")?)?"); } static { OptionGroup criterionOptionGroup = new OptionGroup(); criterionOptionGroup.addOption(Option .builder("f").longOpt("file") .hasArg().argName("").type(File.class) .desc("The file that contains the slicing criterion.") .build()); criterionOptionGroup.addOption(Option .builder("l").longOpt("line") .hasArg().argName("lineNumber").type(Integer.class) .desc("The line that contains the statement of the slicing criterion.") .build()); criterionOptionGroup.addOption(Option .builder("v").longOpt("var") .hasArgs().argName("variableName").valueSeparator(',') .desc("The name of the variable of the slicing criterion. Not setting this option is" + " equivalent to selecting an empty set; setting multiple variables is allowed," + " separated by commas") .build()); criterionOptionGroup.addOption(Option .builder("n").longOpt("number") .hasArgs().argName("occurrenceNumber").valueSeparator(',') .desc("The occurrence number of the variable(s) selected. If this argument is not set, it will" + " default to the first appearance of each variable. If the occurrence number must be set" + " for every variable in the same order.") .build()); OPTIONS.addOptionGroup(criterionOptionGroup); OPTIONS.addOption(Option .builder("c").longOpt("criterion") .hasArg().argName("file#line[:var[!occurrence]]") .desc("The slicing criterion, in the format \"file#line:var\". Optionally, the occurrence can be" + " appended as \"!occurrence\". This option replaces \"-f\", \"-l\", \"-v\" and \"-n\", and" + " functions in a similar way: the variable and occurrence may be skipped or declared multiple times.") .build()); OPTIONS.addOption(Option .builder("i").longOpt("include") .hasArgs().argName("directory[,directory,...]").valueSeparator(',') .desc("Includes the directories listed in the search for methods called from the slicing criterion " + "(directly or transitively). Methods that are not included here or part of the JRE, including" + " third party libraries will not be analyzed, resulting in less precise slicing.") .build()); OPTIONS.addOption(Option .builder("o").longOpt("output") .hasArg().argName("outputDir") .desc("The directory where the sliced source code should be placed. By default, it is placed at " + DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR) .build()); OPTIONS.addOption("es", "exception-sensitive", false, "Enable exception-sensitive analysis"); OPTIONS.addOption(Option .builder("h").longOpt("help") .desc("Shows this text") .build()); } private final Set dirIncludeSet = new HashSet<>(); private File outputDir = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR; private File scFile; private int scLine; private final List scVars = new ArrayList<>(); private final List scVarOccurrences = new ArrayList<>(); private final CommandLine cliOpts; public Slicer(String... cliArgs) throws ParseException { cliOpts = new DefaultParser().parse(OPTIONS, cliArgs); if (cliOpts.hasOption('h')) throw new ParseException(OPTIONS.toString()); if (cliOpts.hasOption('c')) { Matcher matcher = SC_PATTERN.matcher(cliOpts.getOptionValue("criterion")); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new ParseException("Invalid format for slicing criterion, see --help for more details"); setScFile("file")); setScLine(Integer.parseInt("line"))); String vars ="vars"); String nums ="nums"); if (vars != null) { if (nums != null) setScVars(vars.split(","), nums.split(",")); else setScVars(vars.split(",")); } } else if (cliOpts.hasOption('f') && cliOpts.hasOption('l')) { setScFile(cliOpts.getOptionValue('f')); setScLine((Integer) cliOpts.getParsedOptionValue("l")); if (cliOpts.hasOption('v')) { if (cliOpts.hasOption('n')) setScVars(cliOpts.getOptionValues('v'), cliOpts.getOptionValues('n')); else setScVars(cliOpts.getOptionValues('v')); } } else { throw new ParseException("Slicing criterion not specified: either use \"-c\" or \"-f\" and \"l\"."); } if (cliOpts.hasOption('o')) outputDir = (File) cliOpts.getParsedOptionValue("o"); if (cliOpts.hasOption('i')) { for (String str : cliOpts.getOptionValues('i')) { File dir = new File(str); if (!dir.isDirectory()) throw new ParseException("One of the include directories is not a directory or isn't accesible: " + str); dirIncludeSet.add(dir); } } } private void setScFile(String fileName) throws ParseException { File file = new File(fileName); if (!(file.exists() && file.isFile())) throw new ParseException("Slicing criterion file is not an existing file."); scFile = file; } private void setScLine(int line) throws ParseException { if (line <= 0) throw new ParseException("The line of the slicing criterion must be strictly greater than zero."); scLine = line; } private void setScVars(String[] scVars) throws ParseException { String[] array = new String[scVars.length]; Arrays.fill(array, "1"); setScVars(scVars, array); } private void setScVars(String[] scVars, String[] scOccurrences) throws ParseException { if (scVars.length != scOccurrences.length) throw new ParseException("If the number of occurrence is specified, it must be specified once per variable."); try { for (int i = 0; i < scVars.length; i++) { this.scVars.add(scVars[i]); int n = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(scOccurrences[i]); if (n <= 0) throw new ParseException("The number of occurrence must be larger than 0."); this.scVarOccurrences.add(n); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } } public Set getDirIncludeSet() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(dirIncludeSet); } public File getOutputDir() { return outputDir; } public File getScFile() { return scFile; } public int getScLine() { return scLine; } public List getScVars() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(scVars); } public List getScVarOccurrences() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(scVarOccurrences); } public void slice() throws ParseException { // Configure JavaParser CombinedTypeSolver combinedTypeSolver = new CombinedTypeSolver(); combinedTypeSolver.add(new ReflectionTypeSolver(true)); for (File directory : dirIncludeSet) combinedTypeSolver.add(new JavaParserTypeSolver(directory)); JavaParser.getStaticConfiguration().setSymbolResolver(new JavaSymbolSolver(combinedTypeSolver)); JavaParser.getStaticConfiguration().setAttributeComments(false); // Build the SDG NodeList units = new NodeList<>(); try { for (File directory : dirIncludeSet) units.add(JavaParser.parse(directory)); CompilationUnit scUnit = JavaParser.parse(scFile); if (!units.contains(scUnit)) units.add(scUnit); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } SDG sdg = cliOpts.hasOption("exception-sensitive") ? new ESSDG() : new SDG();; // Slice the SDG SlicingCriterion sc = new FileLineSlicingCriterion(scFile, scLine); Slice slice = sdg.slice(sc); // Convert the slice to code and output the result to `outputDir` for (CompilationUnit cu : slice.toAst()) { if (cu.getStorage().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("A synthetic CompilationUnit was discovered, with no file associated to it."); String packagePath = cu.getPackageDeclaration().map(NodeWithName::getNameAsString).orElse("").replace(".", "/"); File packageDir = new File(outputDir, packagePath); packageDir.mkdirs(); File javaFile = new File(packageDir, cu.getStorage().get().getFileName()); try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(javaFile)) { pw.print(new BlockComment(getDisclaimer(cu.getStorage().get()))); pw.print(cu); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Could not write file " + javaFile); } } } protected String getDisclaimer(CompilationUnit.Storage s) { return String.format("\n\tThis file was automatically generated as part of a slice with criterion" + "\n\tfile: %s, line: %d, variable(s): %s\n\tOriginal file: %s\n", scFile, scLine, String.join(", ", scVars), s.getPath()); } public static void main(String... args) { try { new Slicer(args).slice(); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Error parsing the arguments!\n" + e.getMessage()); } } }