package edg.slicing; import edg.config.Config; import edg.constraint.Constraints; import edg.constraint.EdgeConstraint; import edg.graph.EDG; import edg.graph.Edge; import edg.graph.LAST; import edg.graph.Node; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; /** * Constrained slicing algorithm based on a tabular approach based on * Reps et al.'s approach. *
* For each step, it stores the context (the formal-out node through which a * node was entered) or null if no context has been found already. *
* It needs no precomputation of summary edges and achieves the same precision * with similar time requirements as a recursive computation of summary edges. *
* This version is not suitable for recursive programs unless * {@link Config#MAX_STACK_SIZE} is set to a low value (<10). * @see ConstrainedSubsumedTabularAlgorithm A more efficient implementation. */ public class ConstrainedTabularAlgorithm implements SlicingAlgorithm { /** Summary edges that have already been found, will be immediately applied * when any of this map's keys are reached in the algorithm. */ protected final Map> summaryEdges = new HashMap<>(); protected final EDG edg; /** Works that haven't been processed yet, always a subset of {@link #pathEdge}. */ protected PriorityQueue workList; /** Works that have been reached throughout the traversal. */ protected Set pathEdge; public ConstrainedTabularAlgorithm(EDG edg) { this.edg = edg; } @Override public Set slice(Node node) { workList = new PriorityQueue<>(); pathEdge = new HashSet<>(); propagate(new Work(new State(node, new Constraints()))); workTheList(); return -> w.current.node).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * If you run this algorithm multiple times, some summaries will be precomputed. * You can create new objects of this class or run this method. */ public void clearState() { summaryEdges.clear(); } /** * Add a new Work to be processed, only if it hasn't been visited before. */ protected void propagate(Work work) { if (pathEdge.add(work)) workList.add(work); } protected void workTheList() { while (!workList.isEmpty()) { Work w = workList.remove(); if (isEnter(w.current.node)) { if (w.context == null) { traverseEdges(w, e -> true); } else { traverseEdges(w, this::edgeIsIntraprocedural); } } else if (isFormalIn(w.current.node)) { if (w.context == null) { traverseEdges(w, e -> true); } else { traverseEdges(w, this::edgeIsIntraprocedural); createSummaryEdges(w.current, w.context); } } else if (isActualOut(w.current.node)) { traverseEdges(w, this::edgeIsIntraprocedural); traverseSummaries(w); contextSwitch(w.current); } else { traverseEdges(w, this::edgeIsIntraprocedural); } } } /** * Follow edges with the simple slicing algorithm rules. * Excludes control-flow, non-traversable structural edges, and a customizable filter. * @param work The current node and its context. * @param filter A filter for edges, only those that return true will be traversed. */ protected void traverseEdges(Work work, Predicate filter) { // Processing NodeWork Node node = work.current.node; Edge.Type leType = work.lastEdgeType; for (Edge edge : edg.getEdges(node, LAST.Direction.Backwards)) { // Edge-skipping rules if (edge.isControlFlowEdge() // Control Flow is not deleted from the graph, but is unnecessary || edge.getType() == Edge.Type.Summary // Always ignore in-graph summary edges (those are built with grammars and are inaccurate) || !filter.test(edge) // Apply the caller-specified filter || !edge.isTraversable() // Skip non-traversable edges (structural) || (node.getType() == Node.Type.Generator && leType != Edge.Type.Control && edge.getType() == Edge.Type.Value) || (leType == Edge.Type.Structural && edge.getType() != Edge.Type.Structural)) // After a Structural edge, only traverse structural edges continue; // Processing EdgeWork Node nextNode = edg.getEdgeSource(edge); EdgeConstraint edgeCons = edge.getConstraint(); EdgeConstraint topConstraint = work.current.stack.isEdgeConstraintsEmpty() ? null : work.current.stack.peekEdgeConstraint(); List resolvedList = edgeCons.resolve(Phase.Tabular, edg, edge, (Constraints) work.current.stack.clone(), topConstraint, 0); for (Constraints resolved : resolvedList) if (edge.getType() == Edge.Type.Structural || edge.getType() == Edge.Type.Control) propagate(new Work(work, new State(nextNode, resolved), edge.getType())); else // no need to store the type, type only matters for structural and control. propagate(new Work(work, new State(nextNode, resolved))); } } /** Filter for intra-procedural edges */ protected boolean edgeIsIntraprocedural(Edge e) { return e.getType() != Edge.Type.Input && e.getType() != Edge.Type.Output && e.getType() != Edge.Type.Call; } /** * Given a formal-in, formal-out pair, creates the summary edges for every corresponding * actual-in, actual-out pair (must be in the same call). If a newly edge is added, * all actual-out nodes that have been reached immediately traverse the new summary edge. */ protected void createSummaryEdges(State formalIn, State formalOut) { List actualOutNodes = edg.getNodes(formalOut.node, LAST.Direction.Forwards, Edge.Type.Output); for (Node aInNode : edg.getNodes(formalIn.node, LAST.Direction.Backwards, Edge.Type.Input)) { Node call = edg.getParent(aInNode).getType() == Node.Type.Arguments ? edg.getAncestor(aInNode, Node.Type.Call) : edg.getNodeFromRes(aInNode); int toBeRemoved = -1; for (int i = 0; i < actualOutNodes.size(); i++) { Node aOutNode = actualOutNodes.get(i); if (call.equals(edg.getNodeFromRes(aOutNode))) { toBeRemoved = i; State actualIn = new State(aInNode, formalIn.stack); State actualOut = new State(aOutNode, formalOut.stack); if (!summaryEdges.containsKey(actualOut) || !summaryEdges.get(actualOut).contains(actualIn)) { if (!summaryEdges.containsKey(actualOut)) summaryEdges.put(actualOut, new HashSet<>()); summaryEdges.get(actualOut).add(actualIn); Set reached = new HashSet<>(); for (Work w : pathEdge) if (actualOut.equals(w.current)) reached.add(w); for (Work w : reached) propagate(new Work(w, actualIn)); } } } if (toBeRemoved == -1) throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find actual-out node, formal-out " + formalOut.node.getId() + ", actual-in " + aInNode.getId()); actualOutNodes.remove(toBeRemoved); } } protected void traverseSummaries(Work work) { if (summaryEdges.containsKey(work.current)) for (State actualIn : summaryEdges.get(work.current)) propagate(new Work(work, actualIn)); } /** * Traverses an inter-procedural output edge and switches the context to the formal-out * node that constitutes the edge's source. The reached node is its own context. * @param actualOut The edge's target. */ protected void contextSwitch(State actualOut) { for (Node formalOutNode : edg.getNodes(actualOut.node, LAST.Direction.Backwards, Edge.Type.Output)) propagate(new Work(new State(formalOutNode, actualOut.stack), new State(formalOutNode, actualOut.stack))); } /** Checks whether a given node acts as the Enter node for a function. */ protected boolean isEnter(Node node) { return node.getType() == Node.Type.Clause; } /** Checks whether a given node is a formal-in node in a function. */ protected boolean isFormalIn(Node node) { return edg.getAncestor(node, Node.Type.Parameters) != null; } /** Checks whether a given node is an actual-out node in a call. */ protected boolean isActualOut(Node node) { return !edg.getEdges(node, LAST.Direction.Backwards, Edge.Type.Output).isEmpty(); } /** * A Work in tabular slicing is a pair of states: the context and the current state. * The context represents the location through which a function was entered (can * be null if no function has been entered through a formal-out node). The current * state represents the node and stack that has been reached at this point in the slice. *
* Given a collection of works, the set of current nodes represents the slice. */ protected record Work(State context, State current, Edge.Type lastEdgeType) implements Comparable { public Work(State current) { this((State) null, current, null); } public Work(State context, State current) { this(context, current, null); } public Work(Work work, State current) { this(work.context, current, null); } public Work(Work work, State current, Edge.Type lastEdgeType) { this(work.context, current, lastEdgeType); } /** * Checks whether this object is equal to another one, except for the current stack, * for which we check whether this current stack is subsumed by the other's. */ public boolean isSubsumedBy(Work work) { return Objects.equals(context, work.context) && current.node.equals(work.current.node) && work.current.stack.isSuffix(current.stack); } /** * Compares Work objects based on the size of their current stacks. */ @Override public int compareTo(Work o) { // This conditional is necessary due to subclass using null values // and storing Work as key in a map. if (current.stack == null || o.current.stack == null) return 0; return current.stack.sizeEdgeConstraints() - o.current.stack.sizeEdgeConstraints(); } } protected record State(Node node, Constraints stack) {} }