Subversion repositories


First, you need to be connected to the UPV's network, either physically or though the VPN.

Then, you need an active user in this server (contact us if you had one but was deactivated).

Finally, you can use the following url to checkout the repository (replace both uppercase words with your user and repository): svn+ssh://

If you configured an SSH key, you will access the files immediately. Otherwise, you'll need to input your password. We recommend an SSH key to improve security and to avoid writing the password on each operation.

Checking out a large repository

When checking out a large repository, setting the depth parameter on a per-folder basis can be useful.

First, checkout the repository with --depth immediates. This will clone the root directory of the repository.

Then, go into each folder you require and run svn update --set-depth [depth], where [depth] is either immediates (just the files and folders in this folder) or infinity (recursively obtains all elements within this folder).

The adjustments you make will be taken into account when performing a svn update operation.

Common problems