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  1. Jul 26, 2022
  2. Oct 27, 2021
  3. Oct 07, 2021
  4. Oct 05, 2021
    • Sergio Pérez's avatar
      Timed Run: · 947bbe37
      Sergio Pérez authored
      * Measured the generation time of the different graph edges
      * Added EKnife.timedRun to evaluate the slicer against all the possible slicing criteria of a program
      * Added intraprocedural bencher suite
    • Sergio Pérez's avatar
      Timed Run: · 787ed139
      Sergio Pérez authored
      * Measured the generation time of the different graph edges
      * Added EKnife.timedRun to evaluate the slicer against all the possible slicing criteria of a program
      * Added intraprocedural bencher suite
  5. Oct 01, 2021
  6. Sep 30, 2021
  7. Sep 29, 2021
  8. Sep 16, 2021
  9. Sep 10, 2021
  10. Sep 08, 2021
  11. Sep 07, 2021
    • Sergio Pérez's avatar
      Map of visible edges for debugging · fd6f61ee
      Sergio Pérez authored
    • Sergio Pérez's avatar
      New treatment for generators: · fc7ceba1
      Sergio Pérez authored
      - Generators implicit and explicit restrictions are now more accurately treated
      - Created +-[]S (List structure constraints)
      - Created +-{}S (Tuple structure constraints)
      - New kind of edges (ValueStructural Edges)
      - Prevented the interference of the traversal of (Black) Structural Edges with other edges
  12. Jul 27, 2021
    • Sergio Pérez's avatar
      Bencher benchmarks included: · aec5fda5
      Sergio Pérez authored
      * .erl -> original program
      * .criterion -> slicing criterion (line var)
      * .goldStandard -> minimal slice
      * .sliced -> slice computed by the slicer
    • Sergio Pérez's avatar
      Sergio Pérez authored
      * Erlang script path defined
      * Fixes in code generation: some sliced expressions removed instead of replaced
      * Fix guard stacks in CFG generation
      * Logic simplification in Node-Result creation process
      * Fixed dead clause detection
      * Improvements added to summary generation:
          + Function calls associated to a particular formal-out-formal-in summary edge are only repended when the grammar term is created, and not for each added production
          + The list of constraints stacked after an AsteriskConstraint are removed when another AsteriskConstraint is pushed to the stack
  13. Jul 23, 2021